2010年8月22日 星期日

Two Interesting Questions

It is a long while since I wrote here last time. I have been to Europe and visited the Deutsche Museum in Munich. There is a small corner about Mathematics there and I took some photos. Maybe I post it next time.

Recently I read two interesting questions. Let me share them here.


Find a smallest finite set of integers, such that every integer in the set is the sum of two other distinct elements in the set. There is one another rule: if x is an element of the set, then -x must NOT be an element of the set.


A square matrix is said to be doubly stochastic if the entries in each row and in each column sum to the same value.

A permutation matrix is a square matrix where each entry in the matrix is either 0 or 1, and there is one and only one entry in each row and in each column which is 1.

Prove that any doubly stochastic matrix is a convex linear combination of permutation matrices.

Comment: The first question is interesting by itself. The second question is considered interesting because an easy solution by induction is possible, after knowing a combinatorial theorem called Hall's Theorem. The question itself may mislead you to some linear algebra arguments.

2010年8月15日 星期日





  在大多數情況下,很多人應該寧買三件也不買兩件。那是因為多買了,可能反而便宜了。試想想:假設我買了兩件衣服,原價共值 $300。四折後則為 $300 × 40% = $120。如果我多買一件原價 $50 的衣服,三件三折,折扣後為 $350 × 30% = $105。即使這件多買的衣服完全不管用,多買它也立即省了 $15。事實上,簡單的代數運算告訴我們,只要第三件衣服不超過 $100(也就是原來的總價格的三分之一),我們都可以免費拿走它,更可能省下了金錢。


2010年8月1日 星期日


