證明方程 x4 - 8x3 + 22x2 - 24x + 10 = 0 沒有實根。
2008年6月27日 星期五
2008年6月21日 星期六
台灣某廠商最近出了兩款很細型的電腦,一部重1.14 kg,一部重1.33 kg。
因為平時比較電腦重量都是以磅做單位,而1 kg = 2.2 磅,於是就心算他們的重量以磅計算相差多遠吧。它們重量相差0.19 kg,乘2.2,這個心算還算簡單,0.418磅。
突然想起,一部PPC重大約160 g,於是想計計0.418磅大約是多少g。我記性還不錯,1磅就是454 g嘛,於是就心算計0.418乘454是多少。呀,這個要心算求個準確數字還真有點難度。算吧,求個約數,0.42乘450,那就是4.2乘45,大約就是189 g吧。多出的重量是PPC的1.18倍。
因為平時比較電腦重量都是以磅做單位,而1 kg = 2.2 磅,於是就心算他們的重量以磅計算相差多遠吧。它們重量相差0.19 kg,乘2.2,這個心算還算簡單,0.418磅。
突然想起,一部PPC重大約160 g,於是想計計0.418磅大約是多少g。我記性還不錯,1磅就是454 g嘛,於是就心算計0.418乘454是多少。呀,這個要心算求個準確數字還真有點難度。算吧,求個約數,0.42乘450,那就是4.2乘45,大約就是189 g吧。多出的重量是PPC的1.18倍。
2008年6月20日 星期五
1 號行李箱 : 12 x 21 x 30 吋
2 號行李箱 : 10 x 18 x 26 吋
3 號行李箱 : 11 x 20 x 30 吋
4 號行李箱 : 9 x 15 x 23 吋
5 號行李箱 : 12 x 19 x 29 吋
6 號行李箱 : 11 x 16 x 25 吋
每人免費托運兩件各重 23 公斤的行李 (四月中前是 32 公斤的!!)
兩件長闊高之總和不可超過 107 吋,其中一件長闊高之和不可超過 62 吋。
要買那(兩)個行李箱,才可托運最多行李?朋友覺得「買兩個一樣大的中型行李箱」 比 「買一個大和一個小」 好,你認為如何?
設 x, y, z 是第一個行李箱的尺寸,a, b, c 是第二個行李箱的尺寸。不妨假設 x+y+z >= a+b+c 。若只考慮體積,以上問題是
用 AM-GM 不等式,我們知道取得最大值時, x=y=z 且 a=b=c 。(為什麼沒有 Cube 形的行李箱 ga! T口T~~~ 如果大家知道哪裡有一些近似 Cube 的行李箱,煩請告知。不勝感激!)
經過計算,最大值當且僅當 x=y=z=62/3 和 a=b=c=45/3 時成立,且答案是 12201.963 (準確至小數點後 3 位) 。大家不妨驗證。 換句話說,若只考慮體積,「買一個大型行李箱和一個小型行李箱」 比 「買兩個一樣大的中型行李箱」好。
暫時我的方案是:買 2 號和 5 號行李箱,5 號裝一些較輕的東西,2 號裝一些較重的東西。(希望航空公司不會檢查長闊高,查的話即場把 2 號換成一個更小的行李箱,心痛地放棄部分書本)。
1 號行李箱 : 12 x 21 x 30 吋
2 號行李箱 : 10 x 18 x 26 吋
3 號行李箱 : 11 x 20 x 30 吋
4 號行李箱 : 9 x 15 x 23 吋
5 號行李箱 : 12 x 19 x 29 吋
6 號行李箱 : 11 x 16 x 25 吋
每人免費托運兩件各重 23 公斤的行李 (四月中前是 32 公斤的!!)
兩件長闊高之總和不可超過 107 吋,其中一件長闊高之和不可超過 62 吋。
要買那(兩)個行李箱,才可托運最多行李?朋友覺得「買兩個一樣大的中型行李箱」 比 「買一個大和一個小」 好,你認為如何?
設 x, y, z 是第一個行李箱的尺寸,a, b, c 是第二個行李箱的尺寸。不妨假設 x+y+z >= a+b+c 。若只考慮體積,以上問題是
已知 x+y+z+a+b+c <= 107 ,且 x+y+z <= 62 ,求 xyz+abc 的最大值。
用 AM-GM 不等式,我們知道取得最大值時, x=y=z 且 a=b=c 。(為什麼沒有 Cube 形的行李箱 ga! T口T~~~ 如果大家知道哪裡有一些近似 Cube 的行李箱,煩請告知。不勝感激!)
經過計算,最大值當且僅當 x=y=z=62/3 和 a=b=c=45/3 時成立,且答案是 12201.963 (準確至小數點後 3 位) 。大家不妨驗證。 換句話說,若只考慮體積,「買一個大型行李箱和一個小型行李箱」 比 「買兩個一樣大的中型行李箱」好。
暫時我的方案是:買 2 號和 5 號行李箱,5 號裝一些較輕的東西,2 號裝一些較重的東西。(希望航空公司不會檢查長闊高,查的話即場把 2 號換成一個更小的行李箱,心痛地放棄部分書本)。
2008年6月19日 星期四
A "Football Theorem"
With the European Football Championship being a hot topic these days (this is especially true for me as I am now in a country that is crazy about the sport!), let me share with you a theorem about football. It goes like this:
"Place the ball in the center of the court, and start the game. The next time when the ball is being placed at the center of the court again, there exists one point on the ball which is at exactly the same position as it was in the first time."
The proof only involves a simple concept in elementary Linear Algebra, so do think before looking at the hint below!
Highlight the space in the right for the hint: Use the fact that every rotation has an eigenvalue 1.
"Place the ball in the center of the court, and start the game. The next time when the ball is being placed at the center of the court again, there exists one point on the ball which is at exactly the same position as it was in the first time."
The proof only involves a simple concept in elementary Linear Algebra, so do think before looking at the hint below!
Highlight the space in the right for the hint: Use the fact that every rotation has an eigenvalue 1.
2008年6月17日 星期二
舉一個大部分中學生都明白的例子。在我還是讀小學的時候,我聽過了Gauss怎樣用巧妙的方法計算 1+2+3+...+100的值。還記得嗎?他的做法就是把數式倒轉寫一次:
1 + 2 + 3 + ... + 100
100+ 99 + 98 + ... + 1
然後發現一上一下的兩個數和都是101。而這裏有100對,所以總和是101 * 100 = 10100。因為算式總共加了兩次,所以答案是5050。這種配對(pairing)的方法,在現時的奧數訓練可謂必修,但並不一定用在計數列之上。在組合數學中,配對也是一種常用的方法;組合數學裏的這個方法被給了一個名稱:一一對應。這樣可以說是一種解法的generalization。
第一段說了有問題和解法的generalization。解法的generalization上一段已經給了一個例子。而問題的generalization呢?例子多的是。有讀附加數的學生在讀數學歸納法(Mathematical Induction)時,一定對
有沒有"closed form"呢?這就是最簡單對問題的generalization:當解決了一個「細數字」的問題時,考慮一下「大數字」的問題。
有些時候,我們可以從「細數字問題」的解題中看到解決「大數字問題」的竅門。但上面這個問題,配對這個方法並行不通;這個時候就是數學家研究出其他方法的show time。好像上一段的問題,原來可以輕易地用binomial theorem解決;而且,對於任何 k 的方法都是類似的。
不過並不是所有「大數字問題」都可從「細數字問題」的題解中偷師。數學歷史上甚至出現過一個問題,它的二維、四維、五維、六維等打後的情況在很早就被解決,唯獨是三維的情況卻非常困難,甚至考起了數學家足足200年之久。這就是著名的龐卡萊猜想(Poincare conjecture)了。
說起維數的generalization,得說說一個數學笑話。有說一個數學家叫A. Coble,做代數幾何的,據稱他有無窮個博士論文的題目。當一個博士生解決了問題的二維情況時,他就叫下一個博士生做三維情況,再叫下下一個博士生做四維情況。後來有一個叫Gerald Huff的人,不但解決了五維情況,而其他更大維數的情況也解決了。這讓A. Coble未來的博士學生無所事事。這令A. Coble很怒……
舉一個大部分中學生都明白的例子。在我還是讀小學的時候,我聽過了Gauss怎樣用巧妙的方法計算 1+2+3+...+100的值。還記得嗎?他的做法就是把數式倒轉寫一次:
1 + 2 + 3 + ... + 100
100+ 99 + 98 + ... + 1
然後發現一上一下的兩個數和都是101。而這裏有100對,所以總和是101 * 100 = 10100。因為算式總共加了兩次,所以答案是5050。這種配對(pairing)的方法,在現時的奧數訓練可謂必修,但並不一定用在計數列之上。在組合數學中,配對也是一種常用的方法;組合數學裏的這個方法被給了一個名稱:一一對應。這樣可以說是一種解法的generalization。
第一段說了有問題和解法的generalization。解法的generalization上一段已經給了一個例子。而問題的generalization呢?例子多的是。有讀附加數的學生在讀數學歸納法(Mathematical Induction)時,一定對
有些時候,我們可以從「細數字問題」的解題中看到解決「大數字問題」的竅門。但上面這個問題,配對這個方法並行不通;這個時候就是數學家研究出其他方法的show time。好像上一段的問題,原來可以輕易地用binomial theorem解決;而且,對於任何 k 的方法都是類似的。
不過並不是所有「大數字問題」都可從「細數字問題」的題解中偷師。數學歷史上甚至出現過一個問題,它的二維、四維、五維、六維等打後的情況在很早就被解決,唯獨是三維的情況卻非常困難,甚至考起了數學家足足200年之久。這就是著名的龐卡萊猜想(Poincare conjecture)了。
說起維數的generalization,得說說一個數學笑話。有說一個數學家叫A. Coble,做代數幾何的,據稱他有無窮個博士論文的題目。當一個博士生解決了問題的二維情況時,他就叫下一個博士生做三維情況,再叫下下一個博士生做四維情況。後來有一個叫Gerald Huff的人,不但解決了五維情況,而其他更大維數的情況也解決了。這讓A. Coble未來的博士學生無所事事。這令A. Coble很怒……
Poincare conjecture
2008年6月14日 星期六
MD Academic Seminar June 2008
今個月MD又開會,之後亦一如以往,有academic seminar;詳情如下:
TOPIC: The Secret of Accurate Transmission - Coding Theory
講者:陳鍵行先生(University of Illinois at Chicago)
SPEAKER: Mr Andy Chan (University of Illinois at Chicago)
DATE: June 21, 2008 (Sat)
TIME: 5pm--6:15pm
地點:香港城市大學 P4909 室(紫色區域四樓)
VENUE: Room P4909 (Purple Zone, 4/F) in City University of Hong Kong
Anyone who are interested in Mathematics are welcomed to this seminar.
The Secret of Accurate Transmission - Coding Theory
Data transfer is frequent nowadays. It plays an important role in our daily life. It can be as simple as filling forms manually, or as complicated as data transmission between computers via optical fibres. How can we reduce errors during the course of transmission with mathematics? The method is coding theory! In the seminar, we will discuss several error-detecting and error-correcting methods. The mathematical structure behind will be introduced as well.
1. 編碼學的用途
2. 最基本的例子:重覆編碼
3. 最常見的例子:檢測碼
4. 測錯距離及除錯距離
5. Hamming 碼
TOPIC: The Secret of Accurate Transmission - Coding Theory
講者:陳鍵行先生(University of Illinois at Chicago)
SPEAKER: Mr Andy Chan (University of Illinois at Chicago)
DATE: June 21, 2008 (Sat)
TIME: 5pm--6:15pm
地點:香港城市大學 P4909 室(紫色區域四樓)
VENUE: Room P4909 (Purple Zone, 4/F) in City University of Hong Kong
Anyone who are interested in Mathematics are welcomed to this seminar.
The Secret of Accurate Transmission - Coding Theory
Data transfer is frequent nowadays. It plays an important role in our daily life. It can be as simple as filling forms manually, or as complicated as data transmission between computers via optical fibres. How can we reduce errors during the course of transmission with mathematics? The method is coding theory! In the seminar, we will discuss several error-detecting and error-correcting methods. The mathematical structure behind will be introduced as well.
1. 編碼學的用途
2. 最基本的例子:重覆編碼
3. 最常見的例子:檢測碼
4. 測錯距離及除錯距離
5. Hamming 碼
2008年6月9日 星期一
Just read the following article from Mingpao. You'll know right away why I'm sharing it here. :p
明年再逢百年一雨機率不減 2008年6月9日
明年再逢百年一雨機率不減 2008年6月9日
2008年6月6日 星期五
2008年6月1日 星期日
Investigating lengths and areas
Inspired by Kahoo, who wrote an article on some possible investigations that a primary school student can carry out of the Fibonacci sequence, let me also try posting some questions in geometry, so that some of you may try your hands on them. (Unfortunately I think the questions that follow will require knowledge from high school mathematics :p)
Suppose we are given a rope of length L.
1. What is the area of the largest rectangle that one can enclose using the given rope?
Do you have any intuition about this problem? Let's try some extreme cases. A rectangle of a given perimeter L is determined by its length, which can vary from 0 to L/2. Suppose we are in these extreme cases. What would the areas of the rectangles be? Suppose we gradually move from one extreme to another. What will happen to the area of the rectangle? Does that give you some intuition, and suggest how you could prove it?
Students who know one-variable calculus can solve this as a maximization problem; students who does not know calculus can solve it by some simple algebra (for instance, using the difference of squares formula, which is essentially the essence of the calculus method).
Graduate students in mathematics can also do this by flowing the rectangle into a square :p
2. What is the area of the largest triangle that one can enclose using the given rope?
A triangle with given perimeter is determined by 2 parameters (e.g. the length of two of its sides). So this would look like a two-dimensional maximization problem. Students who know multi-variable calculus can solve this by invoking Heron's formula. What if you don't know two-variable calculus? Is there a way of reducing the problem to one-variable?
The answer is yes, provided that you know the maximum exists in the first place: then look at the configuration for which the area of the triangle is a maximum, fixing one of the sides and vary the other two, one realizes (using one-variable calculus now, because the length of one of the variable sides determines the length of the other!) that the two variable sides have the same length. This would show indeed that the maximum can only be achieved when the lengths of all three sides of the triangle are the same, i.e. when it is an equilateral triangle.
Actually a simple geometric symmetry argument already leads to the above observation, and one can bypass calculus altogether!
3. What is the area of the largest shape that one can enclose using the given rope? (This is the famous isoperimetric inequality.)
First, what is the intuition?
Now that the shape of the enclosed area is arbitrary, we have an infinite degree of freedom when we maximize the area; indeed if one formulates the problem correctly, one can do a maximization involving only "countably many variables". For instance, check out the following two Fourier analytic proofs of the isoperimetric inequality in The everything seminar, that makes use of the Fourier series of nice periodic functions.
I'm also thinking that maybe one can also prove the isoperimetric inequality using calculus of variations (an infinitely many variable version of calculus). Any suggestions?
4. Can the problem be further generalized?
Sure, how about a higher dimensional version of the isoperimetric problem?
As it turns out, the isoperimetric problem is closely related to some other important inequalities in analysis, like the Sobolev inequalities (say for smooth functions with compact supports)
(which allows one to control the size of a function from its derivatives).
Suppose we are given a rope of length L.
1. What is the area of the largest rectangle that one can enclose using the given rope?
Do you have any intuition about this problem? Let's try some extreme cases. A rectangle of a given perimeter L is determined by its length, which can vary from 0 to L/2. Suppose we are in these extreme cases. What would the areas of the rectangles be? Suppose we gradually move from one extreme to another. What will happen to the area of the rectangle? Does that give you some intuition, and suggest how you could prove it?
Students who know one-variable calculus can solve this as a maximization problem; students who does not know calculus can solve it by some simple algebra (for instance, using the difference of squares formula, which is essentially the essence of the calculus method).
Graduate students in mathematics can also do this by flowing the rectangle into a square :p
2. What is the area of the largest triangle that one can enclose using the given rope?
A triangle with given perimeter is determined by 2 parameters (e.g. the length of two of its sides). So this would look like a two-dimensional maximization problem. Students who know multi-variable calculus can solve this by invoking Heron's formula. What if you don't know two-variable calculus? Is there a way of reducing the problem to one-variable?
The answer is yes, provided that you know the maximum exists in the first place: then look at the configuration for which the area of the triangle is a maximum, fixing one of the sides and vary the other two, one realizes (using one-variable calculus now, because the length of one of the variable sides determines the length of the other!) that the two variable sides have the same length. This would show indeed that the maximum can only be achieved when the lengths of all three sides of the triangle are the same, i.e. when it is an equilateral triangle.
Actually a simple geometric symmetry argument already leads to the above observation, and one can bypass calculus altogether!
3. What is the area of the largest shape that one can enclose using the given rope? (This is the famous isoperimetric inequality.)
First, what is the intuition?
Now that the shape of the enclosed area is arbitrary, we have an infinite degree of freedom when we maximize the area; indeed if one formulates the problem correctly, one can do a maximization involving only "countably many variables". For instance, check out the following two Fourier analytic proofs of the isoperimetric inequality in The everything seminar, that makes use of the Fourier series of nice periodic functions.
I'm also thinking that maybe one can also prove the isoperimetric inequality using calculus of variations (an infinitely many variable version of calculus). Any suggestions?
4. Can the problem be further generalized?
Sure, how about a higher dimensional version of the isoperimetric problem?
As it turns out, the isoperimetric problem is closely related to some other important inequalities in analysis, like the Sobolev inequalities (say for smooth functions with compact supports)
(which allows one to control the size of a function from its derivatives).
文章 (Atom)