2010年1月25日 星期一

Nice Example on Schutte Problem

Some background first. A tournament of N players mean a competition that every pair of players play against each other exactly once. In our case, no draw is allowed; either one wins or the other wins.

A tournament is with Schutte property of order k if every set of k players are all defeated by one of the other players.

Using probabilistic method, it is easy to show that for any k, there exists sufficiently large N such that a tournament with Schutte property of order k is possible.

My focus here is a cute example of tournament with Schutte property of order 2: when N=7, name the players by 0,1,2,...,6, then a tournament with Schutte property of order 2 is given by:

i defeats j if and only if (i-j) is a quadratic residue of 7.

2010年1月19日 星期二

數學網頁資料設計比賽 2010

數學資料庫將於香港資優教育學院合辦「數學網頁資料設計比賽 2010」,詳情可參閱 http://www.mathdb.org/mac/2010/

我們將於 1 月 29 日與資優教育學院共同舉行簡介會,讓老師和同學瞭解比賽詳情。有興趣的老師和同學快填妥簡介會回條並按指示遞交吧!

2010年1月17日 星期日





2010年1月13日 星期三


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