2009年2月27日 星期五


3 月 14 日是圓周率日,也是數學資料庫的生日!如此大日子,我們安排了一連串的活動,大家萬勿錯過!
  • 當天上午有數學資料庫協辦的培正數學邀請賽決賽(詳見比賽網頁)。
  • 當天下午數學資料庫將舉辦 academic seminar(詳見本文後段)。
  • 當天晚上是數學資料庫的週年晚宴暨生日會,將有一系列的抽獎和遊戲活動(詳情快將在此公佈)。
此外,網站資源創作比賽將於明天(2 月 28 日)截止,大家緊記遞交作品!

關於 academic seminar:

日期:2009 年 3 月 14 日(星期六)
時間:下午 4 時 15 分至 5 時 30 分
地點:香港城市大學 P4909 室(紫區)
   From "What is Mathematical Research" to "A Characterization Problem in Graph Theory"


作為一名數學系的研究生,我被別人問得最多的問題可算是「數學究竟有什麼可以被研究呢?」。在這次研討會中,我會跟大家分享我在圖論裡的一個分類問題的研究 ---- 平面圖次序維度最大為2的分類,讓聽眾可一嘗數學研究的滋味。


As a graduate student in Mathematics, the most common question I have ever been asked is "What are there to be researched in Mathematics?". In this seminar, I will give the audience a taste of mathematical research by sharing my experience of working on a characterization problem in Graph Theory -- the characterization of planar maps with order dimension at most 2.

The content of this seminar is conceivable for secondary students.

2009年2月25日 星期三


財政司司長今天發表財政預算案,建議來年減免五成的薪俸稅,減免上限為 6000 元。各大傳媒均報導指「年薪逾 90 萬元才可獲最高的 6000 元寬減」。

我感到很奇怪,難道年薪逾 90 萬元才需繳付 12000 元或以上的薪俸稅?原來傳媒是引用了政府的資料:

年收入(元)    平均寬減(元)
100001-200000   470
200001-300000   2200
300001-400000   3840
400001-600000   5270
600001-900000   5990
900001 或以上    6000

以上資料顯示,其實年薪介乎 60 萬元至 90 萬元的人士,絕大部分也獲得上限 6000 元的寬減(個別人士可能因應兒女數目、進修、慈善捐款等因素而獲得較高免稅額,從而繳稅較少)。因此,我們在解讀傳媒報導的數字時,必須小心求證免被誤導。

2009年2月16日 星期一



老師:你知道 6x7 是多少嗎?
小明:知道啊,是 42。
老師:很好,那麼 7x6 是多少?
小明:那很簡單,當然是 24 吧。

某大學醫學院的神經學系發表報告,指數學家可以分成 10 類,分別是「可以用二進制思考的數學家」和「無法以二進制思考的數學家」。


應徵者 A(數學系畢業生)不加思索便回答:「是 1。」
應徵者 B(工程系畢業生)拿出手提電話計算後回答:「是 0.9999999。」
應徵者 C(統計系畢業生)皺了眉,想了一會後回答:「不如你先告訴我你希望結果是多少,我再給你解釋原因。」

2009年2月10日 星期二

Differentiability and uniform convergence

Today I came across a problem in elementary analysis. It is quite interesting, so I thought I'd share it here.

The problem is whether the following statement is true:

If a sequence of differentiable functions converges pointwisely to a function f and if the derivatives converges uniformly to a function g (say all convergence are on some open subset of , for the conclusions are local anyway), then the limit f is differentiable and .

When n = 1 this is a standard theorem in mathematical analysis (see e.g. Rudin's Principle of Mathematical Analysis). However, I have not seen this explicitly stated for higher dimensions in any book, and if one just copies say the proof in Rudin's book line-by-line, one only concludes that the directional derivatives of f exist in every possible direction everywhere. Since in higher dimensions this is not quite sufficient to conclude that f is differentiable, I struggled for a while on whether the result is true as stated. (By the way, the result is trivial if one assumes all are continuously differentiable rather than just differentiable.)

My friends and I finally managed to give a positive answer to the above question, and I thought I'd present the proof here. (The proof is just a simple variant of say the proof in Rudin.)

Suppose is a sequence of differentiable functions in that converges pointwisely to a function f and suppose their derivatives converges uniformly to a function g. Then to argue differentiability at , consider the sequence of functions

It is easy to verify that is a sequence of continuous functions of x, and that they are Cauchy in . But by assumption converges pointwisely to

Since the uniform limit of a sequence of continuous functions is continuous, F is continuous at , so f is differentiable at and . This completes the proof.

2009年2月6日 星期五







在一個遊戲中有 100 個盒子,每個盒子內均有一個紅色或藍色的球。在每個回合,參加者可選兩個盒子並把它們同時打開。如果兩個盒子的球的顏色相同,則參加者可獲獎,否則把盒子關上然後進行下一回合。遊戲最少要進行多少個回合參加者才可保證獲獎?
