2011年1月6日 星期四

MD Academic Seminar (updated)

數學資料庫於一月舉行的 academic seminar 的詳情如下 :

日期 : 2011 年 1 月 9 日 ( 星期日)
時間 : 下午 4 時 30 分至 6 時
地點 :
香港理工大學 (Rm : R407)
講者 : 張潤權先生 (New York University)


Combinatorics - A Bit More Than Counting

Among Mathematics graduate students, some of them have never heard the word "Combinatorics". Even in a graduate class of Combinatorics, the professor, a star in the area, said that he could not really define what is Combinatorics. Field Medalist Terrence Tao claimed that Combinatorics may be the only exceptional area in modern Mathematics research. There are many areas in Mathematics related to Combinatorics, e.g. algebraic combinatorics, analytic combinatorics, probabilistic combinatorics, combinatorial geometry, combinatorial number theory, combinatorial algorithms, combinatorial design.
These facts seem contradicting as the subject of huge coverage is unaware by some of the reasearchers in Mathematics. That is Combinatorics. Not until recently Combinatorics is not covered in Hong Kong public examination syllabus, while it includes concepts like permutations and combinations in the core syllabus. I am going to talk about the interesting side of Combinatorics in this seminar.
