2010年2月28日 星期日

數學資料庫 academic seminar

數學資料庫於三月中舉行的 academic seminar 的詳情如下:

日期:2010 年 3 月 14 日(星期日)
時間:下午 4 時 30 分至 5 時 30 分
地點:香港城市大學教學樓 P4909 室(紫區)


Finite Geometry and Combinatorics

Finite Geometry is a kind of Geometry which is often used in computer programming and design (a branch of statistics).

In Euclidean Geometry, we seldom use "counting" to solve a problem. However, in finite geometry, combinatorics plays an important role. Also, finite geometry helps to solve problems in combinatorics, such as the Kirkman's schoolgirl problem.

In this talk, we will introduce two important objects in Finite Geometry: finite projective planes and finite generalized quadrangles and use counting to see some interesting structures of them.

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