2011年7月3日 星期日

MD Academic Seminar

數學資料庫於七月舉行的 academic seminar 的詳情如下:

日期:2011 年 7 月 10 日(星期日)
時間:下午 4 時 30 分至 6 時
地點:香港中文大學 邵逸夫夫人樓 222 室 ( CUHK LSB 222 )
講者:梁嘉珮小姐(2010 年女子數學奧林匹克香港代表隊成員)



Recently, there has been much controversy over a proposed change to the by-election system of the Legislative Council of Hong Kong. In this seminar, we shall take a look at some mathematical and non-mathematical issues of electoral systems, and try to explore the best by-election system under different electoral systems, especially for proportional representation, the system currently used in the geographical constituencies in the Legislative Council of Hong Kong.
