2009年10月19日 星期一


前兩天聽了一個關於random graph的seminar,回到辦公室就拿起Janson, Luczak和Rucinski的Random Graphs查一些terms的意思。隨手一揭,見到Erdős, Suen和Winkler在1995年一起出了一份paper。當時我想如果這是Paul Erdős的話,他不是已經離世很久了嗎?但查一查wiki,才知道他是在1996年離世的。

但另外查一查DBLP,竟發現Paul Erdős直到2006年為止仍然有聯名的paper發。究竟是因為其他的作者在十多年前和他討論得出成果,所以將Paul Erdős的名字寫在作者欄上,還是這個世界上有另一個Paul Erdos呢?煩請有識之士指點迷津。

2 則留言:

koopa koo 提到...

There could be many reasons. For example, the paper was submitted, and accepted, and it took many years for the paper to finally appear.

The more likely reason is that they have worked on the problem, and the authors didn't like the result(or the proofs) and wanted to improve the results, which delayed the publication.

太陽王子 提到...

Actually,there are two professors with the same name