2008年3月10日 星期一

MD Academic Seminar Mar 2008

繼去年十二月廿三日數學資料庫在香港大學舉辦academic seminar後,在接下來的三月十五日,我們在香港城市大學再舉辦academic seminar。詳情如下:

日期:2008 年 3 月 15 日(星期六)
時間:下午 3 時 至 下午 4 時
地點:香港城市大學 P 4902 室

講題:An introduction to Strong Conical Hull Intersection Property


Strong Conical Hull Intersection Property (strong CHIP in short) is a geometric concept introduced in 1990’s for studying constrained convex optimization problems. In the seminar, a short account of its historical background, its mathematical formulation and its significance in recent researches on optimization will be given.

No specific prerequisites will be needed for the seminar.

Deutsch, F. (1998): The role of the strong conical hull intersection property in convex optimization and approximation. In: Chui, Schumaker, eds., Approximation Theory IX, Vanderbilt University Press, Nashville, TN.
Heinz H. Bauschke, Jonathan M. Borwein, Wu Li (1999): Strong conical hull intersection property, bounded linear regularity, Jameson's property (G), and error bounds in convex optimization. Mathematical Programming 86, 135-160
Deutsch, F., Li, W., Ward, J.D. (1997): A dual approach to constrained interpolation from a convex subset of Hilbert space. J. Approx. Theory 90, 385-414
