最近在科大旁聽functional analysis,偶然會聽到一些數學的歷史故事。
有一個叫Lomonosov的人,在俄羅斯讀大學,上課時遲到,去到課室時教授和學生們都走了,只見到兩塊黑板上,第一塊寫住一條問題,而另一塊則寫著一些topology關於fixed points的定理。Lomonosov也不管三七廿一,把這些東西都抄到筆記裏。他以為那條問題是教授給的功課,於是開始努力想著。最後,他用了那些關於fixed points的定理解決了。
其實那條問題是一條幾十年未有人破的open problem,當時教授只是寫在黑板上說這是open problem。而另一塊黑板關於fixed points的定理,其實是再對上一堂另一個教授教書時寫的……
3 則留言:
有趣有趣! 條問題是怎樣的?
聽說 Fields Medalist John Milnor 也曾經把幾條 open problms 當 homework problem 完成了! 有聽過的人請提供更詳細的版本.
There is a similar story for George Dantzig.
To Louis, the theorem is in functional analysis, which shows that a compact operator, there exists a close4d subspace which is left invariant by X. (The above is simplified version)
To Alex, according to wiki, I don't understand why Prof. Newman did not publish the solution to the second problem also.